Private Label

Private Label
Produce, develop and formulate own label products to your own requirements.
Our In-house Research & New Product Development team have the ability in formulating to meet specific needs, offering a complete package from the original idea to finished article. Coupled with the ability to create and print product labels in-house for the majority of our manufactured products, this service offers our customers the benefit of smaller production batch runs of own brand products, ideal for small volume lines and product trials.
The site also offers a fully functioning pick and pack operation where we have the capability to handle the multiple shipment requirements of a typical pick and pack function, stock holding, receiving orders, labelling and dispatch.
Producing your own label brands is never the easiest project to undertake. With a vast range of suppliers from all over the world at your doorstep choosing the right partner is key to building your business.
We have over 40 years of knowledge and expertise to help you launch your brand. We work with small and large companies alike and are key suppliers to some well known brands in the market place.
Equally we supply many health food shops, gyms, beauty outlets and independent distributors and with low minimum order quantities.